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Hi –  thank you for looking at my site.


I have always loved travel and adventure and spent a lot of time in my twenties backpacking and travelling. After learning Mandarin, l backpacked across China for several months, spending a lot of time in the mountains in eastern Tibet and in the north west, staying with local families where possible.  My next trips were to Nepal via India and Asia with as much time as possible spent high up in the Himalayas – trekking to Kanchenjunga, Langtang and Annapurna.

With jobs and family, travel was less accessible, so my adventures moved closer to home.

In 2001 I kayaked across the English Channel after a joke with a friend turned into a serious challenge. This was followed by an epic 30-mile crossing of the dangerous Celtic sea from Lands’ End to the Scilly Isles. In 2013 four of us completed a 300km 6-day trans Baltic expedition, kayaking from Turku in Finland to Stockholm. Believe me, kayaking 60km over a 14-hour day to complete an open sea crossing was one of the most painful experiences of my life!


These days, I travel, organise mountain trekking trips in the UK and race a foiling boat called a Waszp – that is probably my biggest challenge – as you can see from my video - trying to sail and race a high performance foiling boat without any sailing experience (and slowly getting better thanks to Adam and my other Waszp mates) …..and lots more adventures are planned !


I am lucky that my wife runs a travel company, which is perfect for adventure and travel photography, video and travel writing. I hope you enjoy the photo gallery and blogs of my trips and adventures ;-)



Sept 2021.

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